english files

Publié le 14 Juillet 2022

wolf’s bane, leopard's bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica (Arnica montana) wolf’s bane, leopard's bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica (Arnica montana) Here is a plant that you all know from having seen it in the mountains. It is rare and...

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Rédigé par ANAB

Publié dans #English files


Publié le 2 Juillet 2022

grey-leaved cistus, rock rose, white dart (Cistus albidus) Here is a plant that is topical with the many fires in the South. The plants of this family are pyrophilic. Pyrophilia is the property of a living organism to derive benefit from fire, here a...

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Rédigé par ANAB

Publié dans #English files


Publié le 27 Juin 2022

Honey Clover, White melilot, White sweetclover (Melilotus albus) Fruits of Honey Clover, White melilot, White sweetclover (Melilotus albus) automatic translation I present to you this large plant with very many small flowers that you have probably already...

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Rédigé par ANAB

Publié dans #English files


Publié le 19 Juin 2022

great manna grass, reed mannagrass, greater sweet-grass (Glyceria maxima ) I take advantage of the off-season to introduce you to this plant, which is not very attractive but is often found at the water's edge in summer. Roland Scientific name: Glyceria...

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Rédigé par ANAB

Publié dans #English files


Publié le 12 Juin 2022

Cypress spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias). Cypress spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias). This is an automatic translation in English from the original text in French You can find this green plant in bloom right now. Looking at it closely you will find that it...

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Rédigé par ANAB

Publié dans #English files


Publié le 8 Juin 2022

Linum campanulatum - yellow flax Linum campanulatum - yellow flax This is an automatic translation in English from the original text in French Here is a spectacular plant that forms small bright bushes that you will see during your holidays in the Mediterranean...

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Publié dans #English files
